
Wiltshire Council Draft Local Plan

The submission period for the Wiltshire Local Plan is now open and will end 22 November 2023.  Please use the following links to guide you in making your representation:


“Statement of the Representations Procedure and availability of documents” guidance note.

Guidance_note_wiltshire_local_plan_statement_representation_procedure (1).pdf


Wiltshire Council consultation portal.

Wiltshire Local Plan Pre-Submission Consultation – Keyplan


What is a Local Plan

“A Local Plan sets out a vision and a framework for the future development of an area. It is
drawn up by a Local Planning Authority in consultation with its community, providing
a platform for local people to shape their future surroundings. It will look at, and define, how
development including housing, business construction and infrastructure (roads and facilities,
for example) can best benefit the area a council is responsible for.” – Wiltshire Local Plan